11 January 2021
Good Morning Class 1,
Reception reading books are now ready to collect from the office. Books are to be returned week commencing the 25th January when your next books will be ready to collect.
We have also added an online French lesson to the timetable. This session will be every Wednesday 12.30 to 1pm – we really hope you can join us!
On Friday morning, the children will need some play dough to take part in the dough disco. There is a no-cook recipe in the files if you need it.
Here are your activities for Monday and Tuesday. Our topic is ‘around the world in half a term!’ This week we will be focusing on Africa. Click on the links below to see what books we will be using.
Each day you will have a maths and a phonics activity to complete. These are listed below for you. During our morning google meet we will set additional activities. A brief overview of the online sessions and activities are also listed below.
Have fun!
The EYFS Team
Maths- Reception and Nursery
Monday- Click on the link above. Watch the video Alive in 5! Week 2- session 4. Complete the activity;
Reception Phonics This week we will be learning the ar sound. Click the link below to see what objects Geraldine the giraffe finds with the ar sound in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXBQDsgRuMo Monday- Look at the Jack and the Beanstalk PowerPoint. Can you find ar words in the story? Read the ar words on the final page.
Word Art In your literacy books draw the words below in colour code: Start, market, farm, harp sharp, hard, car, cart, park, bark. Remember ar is a Tricky Witch sound and needs to be coloured gold!
Tuesday- Print out the speech bubbles. Children cut out the characters and Speech Bubbles from the pdf and write some sentence in the speech bubbles. Some ideas are; Go to the market. We live on a farm. My harp can sing. Plant them on your farm. I have a sharp axe. I am a harp. Stick all the characters on sugar paper and add drawings to create a scene. Once completed stick into your literacy book.
Nursery phonics This week it’s all about alliteration! Over the next week complete the activities from the alliteration home learning sheet.
Tuesday- Click on the link above. Watch the video Alive in 5! Week 2- session 2. Complete the activity;
Online teaching |
Monday- Literacy 9.45am We will start to read the story Giraffe’ Can’t Dance. Children will look at how to design a poster to advertise the Jungle ball. We will work together to decide what information we will need to add to the poster.
Home challenge 1-. To use the template provided to design a poster for the Jungle Ball. Ensure you have included a catchy title, time, date, location, dress code and any other information you think might be relevant. Make your poster stand out with some lovely drawings. Stick your work into your Literacy book.
Home challenge 2- Last week we practiced putting the days of the week in order. Watch the Makaton video below and see if you can learn the Makaton signs for the days of the week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYIQWWpZm0
2.15pm Catch up & story time.
Tuesday- Maths 9.45am Today we will be introducing 2d shape names. We will look at the everyday 2D shape PowerPoint and discuss what shapes we can see around us.
Home challenge 1- Using the shape hunt template children will go on a shape hunt around the house and/or garden to see how many 2d Shapes they can find. Can they name the shapes and discuss the properties of the shapes?
Home challenge 2- We would love some music at the Jungle Ball! Children are to design a musical instrument to take to the Jungle Ball. Here are a few ideas…
We can’t wait to see what you create!
2.15pm Catch up & story time. |
Alongside these activities you could also complete the following:
- Daily reading (10 mins) or sharing some stories together.
- Practising Phonics sounds (10 mins) adult to write a sound down, can you tell them the sound? Can you give them a word containing that sound?
- Complete the winter maths booklet
- Joe Wicks PE is on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Class 1 home learning w/c 11/01/21
Category: Class 1