Our school opens to pupils at 8.45am and all children should be in school for registration by 8.45am (door will open at 8.43am to support a settled flow into the cloakrooms)


New times for the school day



8.45-9.00 Registration

9.00-10.00 Lesson 1

10.00-10.15 Playtime

10.15-11.15 Lesson 2

11.15-11.25 Playtime

11.25-12.25 Lesson 3

12.25-1.25 Dinner time

1.25-1.45 Fluency Bee/multiplication practice

1.45-2.45 Lesson 4

2.45-3.00 Worship

3.00- Finish Story time

KS1 and EYFS finish at 3.10pm

KS2 finish at 3.15pm




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