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Helping your child at home



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In addition to homework, please ensure you read with your child as much as possible. Once you have read with your child, please write a comment in their home reading record book. Reading books and reading record books should be in school every day, as the children need them in their lessons. If the children manage to read 5 times in a week, they will be entered into a weekly prize draw with the chance to win a book of their choice.


Multiplication Tables                                     


Please help your child to learn the multiplication tables that they have been set. We aim for the children in year 4 to learn all of their times tables. Your child can use Rockstar Timestables and Maths Frame websites to improve their times table knowledge. Click on the links below to access these websites. 

Please help your child to learn the multiplication tables that they have been set. We aim for the children in year 4 to learn all of their times tables. Your child can use Rockstar Timestables and Maths Frame websites to improve their times table knowledge. Click on the links below to access these websites.

Image result for rockstar timetables logo


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