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Welcome to Class 4. We are a class made up of year 5 and 6 children and we are always kind and supportive towards others.

Mr Frame is our class teacher and Ms Pachl is our class teaching assistant.

We always try our very best and we are not afraid to get things wrong: we know that we learn from our mistakes and that’s what helps us to succeed.

We are confident in our own abilities and our ability to speak in front of any audience – big or small – this is what sets us apart from other children.

We love learning and our behaviour is exemplary therefore we act as role models for younger members of our school family.

We are responsible for lots of jobs around our school and we thrive on this because we want The Richard Crosse Primary School to be the best it can be!

Every day offers us new and exciting opportunities that take us one step further towards a bright and joyful future.

Welcome Letter Class 4 2023-2024

Welcome PowerPoint Class 4 2023-2024

YEAR A CLASS 4 Long term plan

Class 4 - Autumn Term - Knowledge Mats (cycle A)

Knowledge Mats - Spring Term - Cycle A

Knowledge Mats - Summer Term - Cycle A

Year 6 SATs Answers

Year 6 SPaG Support


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