We are very proud of our school, and have very high standards for ourselves and our pupils.  But as parents, we think you probably want to hear what our past and current pupils think of Richard Crosse. 


Year 6 leavers Questionnaire - 

What have you enjoyed most about your time at Richard Crosse?

  • Most of the trips and activities while we were on the trips like from Standon bowers the bmx was amazing and the den building.
  • I have loved being a student at Richard Crosse because  we have been on many amazing trips and the school feels like a big family.
  • Making amazing friends and being a librarian

How do you feel your time at Richard Crosse has helped you to prepare for secondary school and in your future life?

  • The values have helped by telling us to be kind.
  • The values have supported me by teaching me to respect everyone and be kind.
  • Richard Crosse have provided helpful lessons about what secondary school and other topics will be like and we have also been on our introduction day at John Taylor.
  • It has helped by learning how to do many key things for life.
  • I feel really prepared because this school has taught me to be kind to others.
  • They have supported me by believing in myself and others.
  • I do feel like it has because I have gained more confidence and it has given me perseverance and determination to never give up .
  • I think the school value resilience and will help me at secondary school because if I make a mistake I will keep on going. 


Parent Survey April 2024

Questions linked to:

  • Happiness, safety and behaviour all score strongly agreed/agreed at 96% (28/29) - 100%
  • Quality of teaching, personal progress and personal development all score strongly agreed/agreed at 96% (28/29) - 100%
  • School leadership and management, 89% strongly agreed/agreed that the school was led and managed well with 1 response for don’t know and 1 for disagree.
  • 93% of parents Strongly Agreed/Agreed that their child makes good progress at this school.
  • 96% strongly agree/agree that they would recommend our school to another parent.


Church Survey - March 2024

  • 100% of respondents are aware that we are a church school
  • 92.86% of respondents rated us as a ‘good’ church school. 7.14% (1 family) said they didn’t know.
  • 100% believe we are a caring institution who are clear on Christian and British Values
  • 78.57% believe we keep them well informed about the Religious Education provided by school (7.14% said no and 14.29% said they didn't know)
  • 78.57% are happy with the Religious Education provided by school (7.14% said no and 14.29% said they didn't know)
  • 85.71% feel they are able to enjoy and participate in the Christian ethos of the school. ( 14.29%- 2 responses, said they didn’t know)
  • 85.71% are happy with the Collective Worship provided by school ( 7.14%- 1 response, said no and 7.14%- 1 response said they didn’t know )
  • 100% are able to attend Acts of Worship provided by school
  • 92.86% believe we have excellent links with the local church, the parish and the clergy (7.14%- 1 response said they didn’t know)
  • 78.57% recognise that we have links with the diocese ( 21.43%-3 responses said they didn’t know)
  • 64.29% believe we have links with local, national and global communities and charities ( 35.71%- 5 responses said they didn’t know)
  • 92.86% see the school as inclusive where everyone is valued. (7.14%- 1 family said ‘no’)


Pupil Voice questionnaire Summer 2024



  • Positive overall experience: Many students expressed enjoyment of their time at the school and expressed excitement for the future. Many students expressed a strong liking for their school and expressed no desire to change it. Children rate the behaviour in school as very good.
  • School community: The small school environment fostered strong bonds and friendships.Children express that they feel cared for by adults in the school and that adults are interested in their views. Children feel that their parents think the school is good.
  • Positive relationships with teachers: Students appreciate their teachers and enjoy the experiences given to them. Teachers and staff are generally seen as positive and supportive. The children feel that their headteacher does a good job in school.
  • Enjoyment of school trips and activities: Trips, residentials, and activities like school plays were highlighted as positive experiences.
  • Preparation for secondary school/class moves: students feel prepared and supported for the transition to secondary school/new classes through experiences like introduction days and lessons from secondary school teachers/different class teachers.
  • Development of key life skills: Students learned important skills like kindness, respect, and resilience. School helps them with their understanding of what being ‘healthy’ is. They generally feel that they are trusted to do things on their own. Children indicate that they are taught about racism in school.
  • Increased confidence and perseverance: Students gain confidence and a determination to never give up. They generally learn new things in each lesson. Children generally know when they are doing well in lessons and know what they need to do to improve. Children are given opportunities to represent their school.
  • Safe environment: Students feel safe at the school and state that they would speak to an adult if they are worried.
  • Appreciation for school facilities and resources: Students value the existing playgrounds, equipment, and resources. Most of the children take part in an after school club and they like the variety of clubs offered.



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