Homework is used to support your child's learning alongside the skills taught in school. We understand that all children learn in different ways, therefore homework will be a combination of approaches e.g. research tasks, investigations as well as project work around a given topic.

Homework is another opportunity to extend your child's knowledge and understanding of subjects so homework should be seen in a positive light.

All children's learning journey is unique and their homework will reflect their own abilities.

Homework will be uploaded to Google Classroom every Friday and will need to be completed by Wednesday. Each week, homework will alternate between English and Mathematics. Year 6 children may receive additional work to support their learning. The majority of homework is to prepare the children for the lessons which follow or to consolidate previous learning.

Occasionally, your child will be set homework on Education City (another online learning platform). We encourage you and your child to use this website as it can benefit all areas of learning. All the pupils have a login and can access this at any time. Click the link below to access the site.


Multiplication has a tremendous impact on all areas of maths; it is important that your child regularly practices their times tables at home to develop this skill. Children can learn their multiplications in many different ways and what works for one child, may not work for yours. We encourage parents to try a variety of methods including: rote, games and singing. 

As a school, we offer the use of Times Tables Rock Stars. All the pupils have a login and can access this at any time. The children have completed a baseline test which has assigned them to the appropriate table to practice. This automatically moves with them as they improve or need support. Click the link below to access the site.

 Image result for times table rockstars


In addition to homework, please ensure your child reads daily at home and that you sign their reading diary so they may enter the 'Five Times Reader' award.


Class 5 Homework

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