Attendance & Absence

TSSMAT considers excellent school attendance as paramount to pupils achieving their full potential and therefore, enhancing lifelong outcomes.  It is central not only to academic attainment but in developing socially, morally, ethically and in enhancing well-being. It is with this in mind, that we set expectations of excellent attendance for all of our pupils. 


Evidence shows pupils with excellent school attendance are more likely to reach higher standards of achievement and be at less risk of exposure to crime and other safeguarding risks.


Excellent attendance is a learned behaviour. Therefore, we place equal importance on high attendance and excellent punctuality to all our pupils, including those who are not of statutory school age.

We believe that excellent attendance and punctuality in the early years of school develops and establishes attitudes towards school attendance which impacts on future school attendance and ultimately academic success and social and emotional well-being.  Similarly, excellent attendance and punctuality post 16 establishes and develops attitudes towards attendance in the workplace and thus lifelong achievements. 

Therefore, each child enrolled at each of our schools is expected to attend every day, on time so that they can achieve their full potential. We monitor and manage attendance and punctuality across all year groups according to this policy and statutory guidance. It is acknowledged however, that parents of children who are not of statutory school age cannot be subject to legal processes if their child has poor school attendance.

Department for Education – ‘Working together to improve school attendance’  Aug 2024
Please see the policy for details of attendance expectations in our schools.

If a student of compulsory school age is absent, every half-day absence from school has to be classified by the school, as either AUTHORISED or UNAUTHORISED.  Only school can authorise the absence, not parents. This is why information about the cause of each absence is always required

Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason such as illness or another unavoidable cause.

Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which no permission for “leave” has been given. This includes:

  • Parents keeping children off school unnecessarily.
  • Truancy during the school day.
  • Absences which have never been properly explained.
  • Children who arrive at school too late to get a mark.
  • Parents taking children out of school for unauthorised holidays.

If you wish to take your children out of school during term time, please complete this form, and return to the school office at least 4 weeks before the first date of the proposed leave.

Request for Leave of Absence Form


Children will be marked as "Late" in the register if they arrive later than 8.55am.

Persistent lateness will be monitored. Should a student be late on three occasions within a half term then this will trigger a letter home. If persistent lateness continues, the Headteacher will become involved and actions will be taken to overcome any barriers to improve punctuality. Ultimately, continued unauthorised lateness could result in records being provided to the Local Authority which may result in Statutory Action being taken.

4.2 Procedures
Pupils must arrive in school on each school day by: 8:45am
The register for the first session will be taken at: 8:50 am
The register for the first session will close at: 8:55 am. A child will be marked as ‘L’ (late) if they arrive after this time.
9:00am - Children arriving after this time will be marked as ‘U’ (Unauthorised absence)

The register for the second session will be taken by 1:30pm



5.2.1 Morning Registration

The school gates open to welcome children at: 8.43 am for all schools and close at 8.55 am which is 5 minutes before formal registration closes. Children arriving after the gates have closed should report to the school office to be signed in by a parent/carer with a reason for lateness given and recorded. Children who are late, after the gates have closed, will be marked as late before the register closes (L code). Morning registration is open from 8.45 am - 9.00 am. Children arriving after registration closes (after 9.00 am) will be marked as late after register closes (U code). This is an unauthorised absence and negatively impacts a children's attendance percentage


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