7 May 2021

Image of Summer Term 1 - Week 3

We may have only had 4 days in school this week but Class 3 have certainly made the most of it. In English, we have discussed, planned and written our own disaster stories using lots of effective writing features such as personification, similes, inverted commas, rhetorical questions and lots more. Miss Hylton is so proud of their stories! Year 3 have been learning some tricky concepts in Maths looking at fractions of a set amount and equivalent fractions. Year 4 have finished learning about decimals and have moved onto the topic money. Our afternoon topic lessons this week have been RE, particularly learning about the story of Pentecost and what this means to Christians today. In PE, we have been practising our shot putting and javelin throwing skills. A great week Class 3, well done!

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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