20 May 2021

Image of Class 2 Summer 1 Week 5

This week, in English, we have finished our work on non-chronological reports, writing a report all about Lions. Miss Derry was very impressed with how we remembered the features to include and the exciting vocabulary we are trying to use in our writing. In Maths, Year 2 have been learning how to tell the time. We have focussed on O’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past times. Maybe you could help us practise by asking us to tell you what time it is at different points during the day. Year 1 have been looking at finding a half of amounts and objects. In the afternoons, we have been learning new ICT skills. We are now able to log onto our own areas on the school computers independently. We have then been learning coding skills in order to move a turtle around the screen and around obstacles. We have loved doing this! We have had a great few weeks back at school but are now looking forward to having a rest over half term and will hopefully see some sunshine too!


Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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