25 June 2021

Image of Summer Term 2 - Week 3

Staff and children have had a fantastic week in Class 3. We can’t believe how fast the weeks are flying by. We have worked so hard in English to write persuasive letters to our favourite authors. In Maths, Year 3 have moved onto learning about shape whilst Year 4 have started learning about statistics. In French, Madame Elliot has helped us learn how to write about our summer holidays. On Thursday it was our ‘Olympics Day’ where the children took part in 4 different activities. We even had a ‘beat the teacher competition’ where some children threw shots puts much further than Miss Hylton! We finished the day off eating tasty strawberries and ice cream. Well done Class 3 for another great week!

Class 3 - Summer Term 2 - Week 3

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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