17 February 2022

The Boy Who Cried Wolf has been our theme for the week!
The children also listened to ‘Whopper’ and ‘Stop Telling Fibs!’ We hope the children have learnt the importance of telling the truth!
We are really proud of the sentence work the children have been doing.
In math, the children have focused on number 8.
The nursery children continue to practise numbers 1-5, writing the numbers and matching objects.
The children look fantastic today in their funky clothes. They are having lots of fun!
Class 1 staff would like to wish you all a fantastic half term and we look forward to the return of the children refreshed and ready for the topic Spring. Let’s hope we get some spring weather,
Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to one of our classmates, we would like to wish him all the best for his new school. He will be greatly missed.
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1