3 March 2022

What a fun packed week! Great pancake flipping!
We have enjoyed sharing the Wolf’s Pancakes and writing sentences with capital letters and full stops.
In math we have studied numbers 8, 9 and 10. We discovered that 8 is quite tricky and we might need to practise this at home and think about a race track.
In RE we have started the Easter story. We made palm leaves and acted out Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem.
In music we have sang songs that help us to feel the pulse. We have lots of children with a great sense of rhythm.
We hope you like our wolves that we painted yesterday.
I have been very impressed with the children’s resilience this week. We have encouraged them to have a go even when things get tricky or seem too hard.
Could the nursery children practise zipping up their coats? They are going to practise using different fasteners next week with Mrs Nilsen.
Next week we will be talking about spring and new life, starting with The Hungry Caterpillar!
Have a great weekend! The children have brought smiles to all our faces this week.
Class 1 spring 2
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1