17 March 2022

It’s all been about worms this week!
The children have planted sunflower seeds and we are hoping they have started growing so that we can measure them and find out later in the year which group have the tallest sunflower!
We have found out about why worms are so important. We have read acrostic and shape poems and are getting really good at saying rhyming words.
In math the children have been measuring worms of all different lengths. They have used measuring tapes to measure their arms, legs and finger lengths. They have used language such as short, shortest, long, tallest etc.
We had a fun team competition today on guessing ‘oa’ words having been given a clue, and the children continue to practise their letter formation.
Class 1 are really enjoying taking part in whole school worship and are very enthusiastic about joining in with the singing. We are looking forward to our Mothers’ Day service in church.
Next week the children will be focusing on 3D shapes.
Enjoy the warmer weather!
Spring is nearly here.
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1