30 September 2022

The favourite part of our week, this week, was eating cakes for breakfast, when we visited the McMillan Coffee Morning! They were yummy!
In Maths, we have continued with out work on number in Year 1 and Year 2. We are getting much better at counting forwards and backwards. In Phonics, Year 1 have been learning about adding ‘s’ and ‘es’ to make words plural and we have looked at the split diagraph a-e. Year 2 have have looked at the graphemes le, il and el and used their knowledge to spell out words. In English, we have retold the story of Pumpkin Soup independently, focussing upon capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and interesting words. We are looking forward to our new topic next week.
Our Geography work has taken us on a tour of Kenya and Australia. We loved finding out about the animals we might see on a Kenyan safari and learning all about the tourist attractions in Sydney. If only we were able to go on a class trip to experience them for ourselves!
Posted by lderry
Category: Class 2