17 November 2022

We have had another exciting week in Class 4! In science, we have been learning about air resistance and how it effects objects falling through the sky. As part of this lesson, we conducted an experiment to see how a different sized parachute would affect an object falling. We made various sized parachutes and dropped them from a height to time how long they took to hit the floor.
In maths, both year 5 and 6s have been learning about fractions. In year 6, we have been adding and subtracting fractions (and mixed numbers) with different denominators. In year 5, we have been comparing and ordering fractions. During our English lessons this week, we have been completing our independent writes, writing our own suspense stories.
In DT, we have started building our fairground rides, deciding which style of ride we are going to make. We have also looked at the health and safety aspects of using various tools.
Category: Class 4