16 February 2023

Image of Spring Term 1 - Week 7

We’ve had a brilliant last week of term in Class 3. On Thursday, we all really enjoyed taking part in History Day where we learnt about 4 different time periods which we don’t already learn about in our curriculum. These were the Shang Dynasty, the Tudors, Ancient Benin and the Pilgrims. In Maths, Year 3 have been learning how to find and measure perimeter whilst Year 4 have been counting beyond 1 using fractions. In English, we have been recapping how to use a range of subordinating conjunctions and to write consistently in the past tense.

Well done Class 3 for working so hard this half term. Enjoy a well-deserved break and I look forward to seeing you back in school ready for Spring Term 2.  

Class 3 Spring 1 Wk 7

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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