16 February 2023

Image of Class 4 - Spring 1 - Week 7

In our last week of Spring 1, we have finished our big writes in English. We each chose an important question to write a balanced argument about. Some examples included: Is HS2 a waste of time and money? Are strikes effective? Should we stop deforestation? We have thought really hard about the pros and cons of each of these questions in order to complete our writing. Our year 5s had their last Stoke play leaders session this week and have really thought of ways to coach others in order to improve on a skill.

During our art lesson this week, we have been using charcoal to draw fabric. This takes a lot of skill and patience as it is difficult to master the effect of folded clothing. On Thursday, we had our whole school History Day; it was a fantastic day and everyone learned more about topics we don’t cover within our usually curriculum. These additional topics included: The Benin Civilisation, The Tudors, The Shang Dynasty and America’s Pilgrims.

Category: Class 4

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