10 March 2023

We’ve had a busy week in Class 3 practising for our play and the Mothering Sunday Service in church. In English, we have focused on using rhetorical questions, repetition for effect and rich vocabulary to be persuasive. In Maths, Year 3 have been counting fractions on a number line whilst Year 4 have been adding 2 or more fractions. In Science, we have been learning how to keep our teeth healthy to prevent decay. We set up an experiment testing eggs in different liquids to see which show decay. We have used eggs because the shell is similar to enamel. As well as this, we explored the different types of teeth which animals have based on whether they are carnivores, omnivores or herbivores. Keep practising your lines for our play Class 3 and well done for another great week!
Class 3 S2 Wk 2
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3