24 March 2023

Image of Class 4 - Spring 2 - Week 4

We have had many exciting things going on this week. At the beginning of the week, we had a sports enrichment morning where pupils took part in two activities - archery and nerf shooting. We thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. 
We had a visit from Ms Craddock (a John Taylor English teacher) who came to deliver an English lesson to us. We learnt about the workhouses of the Victorian era. In our own English lessons, we have finished our big writes based on the Labours of Heracles.

In maths, year 5s are now learning about statistics and reading graphs whilst year 6 have moved onto area and perimeter of shapes. In particular, we have been investigating to find the areas of triangles.

Dr Allen has been in this week to work with us on the Green Power racing cars; we have fitted the electrics so that our motors will turn on a move the rear wheel axel. Some groups also managed to get the brakes wired in.

Category: Class 4

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