18 May 2023

Image of Class 1 summer Week 5

We have had a lovely week making mini- beasts from ladybirds and bees to spiders and snails. The children have used many different materials and techniques to make these.

In literacy lessons the children made Superworm story maps and wrote a newspaper report about Superspider. I am very proud of the children’s writing this week.

Yesterday, the children walked to the church and enjoyed listening to Father Jeremy talk about what things are I inside the church and why. We will be making a giant map showing our walk after half term.

We hope you have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing the children return refreshed and ready for their final term of the academic year! How quickly time flies! I’m hoping the butterflies to not emerge until we return to school.

Don’t forget to apply sun cream to your child before school next term and always send in their cardigans and coats just in case it rains. Fingers crossed for warmth and sunshine!


The class 1 team

Class 1 summer week 5


Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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