14 September 2023

I can’t believe how time flies! The children have had another fantastic week. They have continued to be increasingly confident with their social skills.
We enjoyed walking around the village looking at the local landmarks. The children helped me to create a giant map of the village on the carpet.
I reminded the children about ‘Flower Power’ and the importance of a loving family. The children drew who lives in their house.
In music the children have been exploring their voice and have been singing individually and as an ensemble.
Today they sung about pirates!
In our art lesson the children drew self portraits and used mirrors to look at their features.
We have spoken about the importance of sharing this week and how sharing shows kindness.
Thank you to Mrs Mguffie, Mrs Hammond and Freya for helping on Monday with our village walk.
Thank you for the snack money donations.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to welcoming our pre-school children on Monday!
The reception team
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1