22 September 2023

It has been lovely to welcome our pre-school children this week and we are proud of the Reception children for being good role models. They have shown the Pre-School children kindness and this has been one of our focuses this week. We have taught the children that when you show kindness, kindness comes back to you!
In maths, the children have been sorting objects into groups. They have learnt the word ‘set’.
In literacy the children have thought about their favourite things, learning more about themselves.
The children have made a rainbow for the RE display. They have continued to learn about the creation and how Christians thank God for all the colours.
In music the children have continued to join in with songs and games. Many of the children have been able to respond to questions using their singing voice.
Next week the children will learn about Harvest time. We hope to see you at our Harvest Festival service on Thursday.
We hope the Reception children are enjoying their picture book. Please feel free to make any comments in their reading diary. The children have started their Monster Phonics scheme and will receive their first Monster Phonics book in October. Parents will be invited in shortly to learn how this scheme works.
Thank you for snack money. Please can I remind you to make sure all school clothes are labelled with your child’s name.
Thank you to Mrs Myatt for her help with our village walk last week.
Have a lovely weekend
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1