28 September 2023

Pre-school have been working on number 1 and 2. They have been counting actions and making number 1 and 2 out of play-dough. They have also painted these numbers.
Reception have been continuing to match and group objects. They have labelled their own groups.
In music this afternoon the children will be exploring percussion instruments and sorting them by materials and sounds.
In literacy the children have talked about the changes that autumn brings to their lives and to the environment.
They have enjoyed vegetable printing and leaf printing.
I am very proud of the way Reception sat in church today. They did a lovely performance for the Harvest Festival service.
This week the children have learnt about want plants need to flourish and have planted their own onion seeds.
Madam Stevens was very impressed with how well Class 1 sat on the carpet during her French lesson. I hope the children are enjoying their multi skills lessons on Fridays.
Have a great weekend!
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1