6 October 2023

What a wonderful day to end the week! Class 4 thoroughly enjoyed a visit from the local library bus long with an active PE lesson focusing on health and fitness. In maths we have been recapping and developing our understanding of the four basic operations. Publishing their origin stories was a highlight for many, whereas others have jumped at the opportunity to explore an adaptation of Charles Darwin’s “Origin of Species”. In Art, we began exploring perspective drawings by identifying a vanishing point and drawing shapes so they were 3D in appearance. Making our very own Orienteering maps required our full attention in order to ensure details were accurate enough for them to be trialled outside. In RE, our investigation into the creation story took an interesting turn as we explored the origin of the universe from a scientific perspective; this will lead to great discussions on whether the evidence is contradictory or supportive of Christian beliefs towards Genesis.
Class 4 Aut 1 Week 5
Posted by John Frame
Category: Class 4