13 October 2023

Image of Autumn Term 1 - Week 6

This week, in Class 3, we have moved onto our new English topic which is focusing on writing diaries. We are using the book ‘One Boy’s War’ which is linked to our history topics ‘WW1’. In Class, we have explored the featrues of a diary, written setnences using adverbial phrases and then used all we have learnt to write a diary from the persepctive of our main character ‘Sydney’. In Maths, Year 4 have been adding two 4-digit numbers using the column methods whilst Year 3 have been adding 1s, 10s and 100s to a 3-digit number. We found it useful to build to number using base 10 to explore which coloumn changed. On Thursday, Class 3 had a fantastic day learning outdoors at the Howard school in Elford. We went on a bug hunt, created land art using natural resources, explored the Wall Gardens, went on a flower scavenger hunt, used charcoal to recreate a scenic views and most importantly had FUN! The whole day encouraged team work, resilience and communication. Well done Class 3 for a super day outdoors and for a great week!

Class 3 Aut 1 Wk 6

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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