20 October 2023

Image of Autumn Term 1 - Week 7

It has certainly been a memorable end to the week! Thankfully, the strong winds were accompanied by a gust of effort from Class 4 in publishing our Charles Darwin non-chronological reports. They look absolutely superb! Our creativity skills have flourished when creating designs that represent the different key events and themes in Christianity as seen in The Big Frieze. In Science, we developed our understanding of evolution by natural selection through creating our own story boards explaining how an animals traits, gained through variation, allow it to thrive and pass its beneficial characteristics on to later generations. The commitment to learning and ability to focus through distractions has certainly impressed. I look forward to the final week of what has been a jam-packed, first half term of the year.


Week 7 Autumn 1 Class 4

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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