27 October 2023

Image of Autumn 1 - Week 8

It has been another week packed full of learning and creativity in Class 4. On Monday, our children enjoyed learning about influential black women of history in classrooms all around the school. Within these history lessons, topics such as discrimination, liberty, athletics and Pop Art were explored as part of a History Day to remember. At Cannock Chase, our children flourished in developing their map skills, teamwork and compass usage. In the afternoon, they sketched the trees and path while outside using one-point perspective. Other highlights of the week include: sketching our local church, identifying characteristics seen in Ron Weasley's family tree that can be inherited through genetics and recalling knowledge from our science topic to complete an evolution and inheritance themed escape room. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching Class 4 this half term and everyone deserves a well earned rest ready for all the new topics beginning in November!

Autumn 1 Week 8 Class 4

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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