23 November 2023

This week, in Class 3, we have been writing ‘Escape Stories’ based on our book ‘Escape from Pompeii’. Everyone tried their very best to include the writing features from their checklists. Well done everyone! In Maths, Year 3 have been estimating answers whilst Year 4 have been learning multiplication and division facts for the 7 times table. We had an extra History lesson this week where we explored the role women played during WW1. After much research of primary and secondary sources, we concluded that they played a vital role in winning the war! On Thursday, we enjoyed taking part in the maths parent workshop where we showed our grown-ups some of the ways we learn maths looking at a range of topics from addition and subtractions, time and even understanding flashback 4s. In computing, we used the software ‘iMotion’ to create animations of stick drawings. Overall a great week, well done Class 3!
Class 3 Aut 2 Wk 3
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3