22 December 2023

Image of Autumn Term 2- Week 7- Class 2

What a busy week we have had! We started off the week performing our Nativity play to our parents. Miss Derry was very proud of us and thought that we did brilliantly. We were very sad to see the stage being taken down on Tuesday. On Wednesday we went to church for our carol service. Some of us got to dress up and act out the Nativity service with Open The Book Team. We sung lots of carols and explored the true meaning of Christmas. When we got back from church, we changed into our party clothes and had the best Christmas dinner ever! A special visit from Santa was another highlight of the day, we had lots of questions that we wanted to ask him. Finally we ended the day with Christmas party games. We finished off the week with a whole school trip to the pantomime. We are very excited for Christmas and can’t wait to spend time with our families and have a rest. Merry Christmas everyone! 

Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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