23 February 2024

It has been a wonderful start to the second half of the acdsemic year. We have fully embraced our new topic 'The Vikings' by immersing ourselves with Viking related texts such as 'Viking Boy' and 'Beowulf'. While exploring Beowulf, we have developed our desriptive writing and use of prepositional phrases by describing Grenel's lair. Our Speaking and listening skills have certainly been tested as seen in a news report performed by some of the class. This was based on the attacks to Heorot's mead-hall and involved very enthusiastic interviews with a fictional eye-witness who saw the event take place. We also applied our understanding of how to write persuasive texts to create a job advert for a hero to save Heorot from the villainous beast.
In maths, Year 5 have been exploring fractions further with great success and developing confidence. Year 6 have been forming equations using algebraic expressions. Then solving equations that require one, two or even three steps.
In RE, we began our topic on Salvation by discussing where it fits into 'The Big Frieze' and discussed the meaning of this part of The Bible. We then read Luke 24:1-49. Once confident on this story, the children split into groups and wrote a playscript to represent how they think the events may have appeared. Many of the class then performed their plays at the front with fantastic confidence and acting flair!
Week 1 Spring 2 Class 4!
Posted by John Frame
Category: Class 4