21 March 2024

What a week in Class 3! On Tuesday, Class 3 put on a fantastic production of ‘Jill and Fred’s Most Hysterical Historical Adventure’. Everyone put in so much effort and performed to such a high standard. It was clear how hard everyone had worked to learn their lines, remember their stage directions and be professional. You have made your teacher and parents very proud! Absolute super stars!
In English, we have written stories set in another culture. Before writing, we thought about the features we need to use in our stories to make them great. These features included expanded noun phrases, inverted commas, conjunctions and past tense writing.
In Maths, Year 3 have been counting fractions on a number line. We have found it helpful to draw bar models to help us visualise the fraction. In Year 4, we have been finding equivalent fractions on a number line and looking at equivalent fraction families and patterns.
In RE, we explored the different emotions which Christians feel during Holy Week. We represented these emotions in a triptych and some of us wrote poems. As well as this, we sat in a circle with wine (cranberry juice) and unleavened bread to help us understand the significance of the last supper.
In Art, we experiment with lots of sketching techniques such as hatching, cross hatching, pointillism, scribbling, contouring lines and lots of others. We spoke about the grade when sketching and explored how a range of grades can alter how light or dark the pencil strokes are using sketching pencils from H all the way up to 6B.
Well done everyone for a super last week! Enjoy a well-deserved rest over Easter.
Class 3 Spring 2 Wk 5
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3