26 April 2024

Image of Summer Term 1 - Week 3

This week in Class 3, we have been writing sentences to explain how a dishwasher and vacuum work. Within our writing, we have been using technical vocabulary, powerful verbs and time connectives such as first, then, after and finally. On Friday, we came up with a fictional idea to explain how a microwave might work and there were lots of creative ideas such as a special lever which lowers the food onto the desert floor and miniature wizards which cast fiery spells on the food. In Maths, Year 3 have been measuring capacity in millilitres and litres. Year 4 have been dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10. We used Gattegno charts to help us. In Geography, we created a questionnaire to ask people which amenity they would like to see in Kings Bromley. After a lengthy discussion and observing aerial view maps of the village, we narrowed this down to 6 amenities. We will analyse our data next week. In Science, we explored how the human body is protected. We quickly understood that our bones protect us so we carried out an experiment with eggs and water to help us see if there was something else which protects our bodies. We discovered that the egg remained intact after being shook just like our brain which is surrounded by fluid. Well done Class 3 for a great week!

Class 3 Wk 3 S1

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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