20 June 2024

This week we began learning about our oceans. The children voted to learn about the Great White Shark. The reception drew and wrote some shark facts. Pre-school enjoyed drawing a shark and a seahorse.
Our picture news included a picture showing rubbish in our oceans. We talked about the affect rubbish has on wildlife and how they can be responsible with their rubbish.
In maths, the children have continued to explore arranging 2D shapes. They have explored how to use shapes to make pictures or other 2 D shapes.
The children have made jelly fish and turtles this week.
Next week the children will continue to explore our oceans.
We hope you enjoy seeing the pictures of our garden where everything is blooming!
Thank you to Mrs Jones for the logs and stones and other parents who have kindly donated seeds and bulbs.
Enjoy the weather this weekend!
Class 1 summer 2 Week 3 2024
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1