27 June 2024

Image of Class 1 summer 2 Week 4

Class 1 summer 2 Week 4 2024

This week we have had a real focus on sharing, listening to stories and linking this theme with sharing fairly in maths.

In RE the children continued to learn about how everyone is unique and special. They printed their fingers prints and used magnifying glasses to see the print more clearly.

In science, the children learnt about under the sea food chains. 
I was impressed with the childrens drawings of food chains . They learnt about what can happen if animals in the chain deplete in numbers.

In music the children listened to Vivaldi’s ‘Summer’. They made under the sea music with the percussion instruments.

The children are enjoying the garden and the new sensory materials in the tyres as well as the new magnetics.

Please check the jumper basket for unnamed jumpers. Please can I ask you to kindly put names in their jumpers so we can hand them back at the end of the day.


Enjoy the weekend



Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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