Our intent: Considerable importance is given to the teaching of Mathematics. Mathematics can be fun and exciting and we aim to foster an enjoyment  where we lay the foundations for children’s understanding of its order and pattern. We use our Christian values to embed understanding of maths and allow our children to have the skill sets needed to do well in maths. Children learn how to apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems in everyday life. They are motivated to discover and learn about numbers and operations. They solve numerical problems, including those involving money and measures, and become familiar with the ways in which numerical information is gathered (by counting and measuring) and presented (in graphs, charts and tables). Multiplication tables are taught and regular practice at home is part of our homework policy. Multiplication facts are tested weekly.


Mathematics is linked where possible to topic, but may be taught separately. We have a strong belief in the importance of teaching key number skills in every Mathematics lessons. Mental Mathematics and the practical everyday application of Mathematics is a focus for our teaching. Shape, space and measure are taught discretely and through Foundation subjects.

Children’s mathematical ability is assessed daily by teachers to assist with formative assessment and planning for the next step in their learning. At the end of each term children from Year 1 to 6 sit a more formal test which is linked to the learning objectives for that term. This enables us to track and measure progress and helps parents to know how well their child is doing.

maths learning

Our Long Term Maths Curriculum

Because of our Maths curriculum, Richard Crosse children are: 


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