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At The Staffordshire Schools Multi Academy Trust we offer a wide range of opportunities to develop speaking, listening and creative skills throughout the curriculum using performing arts. All schools within the Trust hold productions, whether celebrating religious festivals such as Christmas, or performing well loved novels such as Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Treasure Island.
We also have a wonderful choir that participates in many shows, including performances at the Garrick Theatre in Lichfield. Each year Key Stage 2 also take part in Young Voices at the LG arena, joining thousands of other children for a night of song and dance.
Alongside this, we regularly hold extra-curricular clubs such as dance or drama to enable children with a passion for performing arts to develop their skills further and enjoy focused time on the subject they enjoy the most. These school clubs usually end in a performance, whether within school time or at popular events such as the Elford Festival, Kings Bromley Show and Colton’s Celebration of Christmas thus allowing the children opportunities to showcase their talent.
During the school year, all schools take part in special themed events such as Harry Potter Day and Roald Dahl Day to encourage the children’s creativity. All children are encouraged to dress up as characters from the famous stories and complete realistic role plays, such as spell casting lessons, to encourage and inspire their writing.
The children also have the opportunity to watch performances by travelling theatre companies along with visits to the theatre, in order to further develop their English and to inspire them to learn.