Our intent: Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy lifestyles and to become informed, responsible citizens. We teach PSHE with the aim to help children deal with the real life issues they face as they grow up. We cover issues including e-safety, road safety, friendships, first aid, sex and relationships, emotional health and personal finance.

Alongside weekly lessons, PSHE is enhanced through our supportive school ethos, where all children are valued and encouraged, positive relationships are seen as important and there is a safe and secure school environment in which to learn.

To enhance our PSHE curriculum, we allow the children to grow as citizens of the future through Votes for Schools. Votes for Schools is an online voting platform which engages learners to discuss issues affecting them. By voting, the children are able to let the world know what they think about current topics.  

Votes for School




Effective sex and relationship education (SRE) is essential if children are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives. Our lessons aim to provide children with the opportunity to learn about:

  • Physical, moral and emotional development
  • Respecting the similarities and differences that exist between people.
  • The importance of stable and loving relationships,  respect, love and care
  • Sex, sexuality and sexual health.
  • The names of body parts using correct terminology and how their bodies work.

SRE goes beyond biological information and focuses on positive attitudes and values, developing self–esteem and the skills young people need to manage relationships. Our SRE programme provides information which is easy to understand and relevant and appropriate to the age and maturity of the pupils at our schools. The teaching of SRE will be supported by high quality resources and materials, and delivered through a framework of themes which guarantee that children are, subject to parental agreement, exposed to appropriate knowledge.

Our PSHE long term plans and parent information

Because of our curriculum, Richard Crosse children are: 

PSHE - future citizens

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