Class 4 had an absolute thrill showing off their creative skills in activities relating to our Second World War topic. After learning some more about the rationing that was so vital to our war efforts, we tested our cooking skills by making a 1940’s variation on scones that substituted mash potatoes for milk. The results truly speak for themselves! The next activity explored The Blitz and the subsequent Anderson shelters that protect millions who were living in targeted areas. Using a lot of teamwork - and cardboard - we created model shelters to better understand what experiences those who remained in the UK’s biggest cities endured. In the afternoon, our classroom became Bletchley Park as Alan Turing sent us on a secret mission as the newest recruits to the Anglo-American Decipherment of German Communication Department of the British Military. We were first introduced to the fascinating world of cryptography and made our own basic ciphers. Afterwards, we used an online Enigma Machine to decrypt German communications and find out vital details about an incoming attack to the South West coast before it was too late! It is fair to say that we all had a splendid day and the costumes were fantastic.

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