7 February 2021

Good Morning Class 1,
Hope you all had a lovely weekend?
We have a busy week planned!
On Tuesday it is Safer Internet Day - We will help Digiduck work out if the information he found online is fake information or real information.
Friday is Fancy Dress Friday for class 1, you can come to school and our online session in fancy dress. We can’t wait to see who you come as!
We have also scheduled a baking session on Friday. There are some simple recipe ideas in the resources or you can bake a family favourite of your own choice.
Here are your activities for Monday and Tuesday. This week we will be focusing on Asia and we will look at how China celebrates Chinese New Year. Click on the links below to see what books we will be using.
Each day you will have a maths and a phonics activity to complete. These are listed below for you. During our morning google meet we will set additional activities. A brief overview of the session and activities set are also listed below.
Have fun!
The EYFS Team
Maths- Reception and Nursery https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/growing-6-7-8-week-3/ Monday- Click on the link above. Watch the video Growing6,7, 8! Week 3- session 1. Complete the activity; |
Reception Phonics This week we will be learning the ur sound. Click the link below to see what objects Geraldine the giraffe finds with the ur sound in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q49YSWKPyVo Monday- Today we would like you to complete the ur workbook in the resources. Tuesday- Can you read the ur flashcards? How many did you get right? Can you write some ur words? https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/pick-a-picture Click on the link above to play ‘pick a picture’ to practise your blending skills. Nursery phonics This week it’s all about oral blending and segmenting! Over the next week complete the activities from the oral blending and segmenting home learning sheet. |
Tuesday- Click on the link above. Watch the video Growing6,7, 8! Week 3- session 2. Complete the activity; |
Online teaching |
Monday- Literacy 9.45am Today we will be learning about Chinese New Year. We will listen to the story The Great Race and discuss if it was fair that the cat didn’t get a place. https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/stories/lets-celebrate-chinesenewyearperformance Home challenge 1-. Reception we would like you to create a story map of The great Race and label this to help you retell the story.
We would then like Nursery and Reception to act out the story or recreate it with some of your toys. There are some masks/ stick puppets that you could use in the resources if you wish. When retelling the story remember to use lots of storytelling language! You might like to record your story and watch it with your family. Optional- Draw a picture from the story and label it or make some Chinese New Year greeting cards (templates for these in the resources.) Home challenge 2- During Chinese celebrations, dragons are a symbol of good luck. Today we would like you to make a Chinese dragon. What materials will you use? How will you join materials together? We would love to see your finished dragons- please bring them to our catch up and storytime. Here are some ideas; 2.15pm Catch up & story time. 3pm Whole school online worship. |
Tuesday- Safer Internet Day- 9.45am Today is Safer Internet Day and we will be talking about how to stay safe online. . We will listen to the story Detective Digiduck! https://www.childnet.com/resources/digiduck-stories/detective-digiduck Home challenge 1- We would like you to use your creative skills this morning and make a duck mask. Can you find out one true fact about ducks and make up one false fact ready for the afternoon session. At our afternoon meet we will see if our friends can work out which fact is real and which fact is a false fact. Home challenge 2- PE Gross motor skills- Click on the link to find out about Dragon dances. Watch the video of the dragon dance. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ChineseNewYear/DragonDance.aspx Create a dragon mask using the template in the resources. Now see if you can make up your own dragon dance. Can you move like the dancers? Use the music in the video or make your own music- Have fun! Fine motor skills- Complete the year of the ox pattern tracing activity. 2.15pm Catch up & story time. |
Alongside these activities you could also complete the following:
- Additional Chinese New Year maths, phonics and writing activities have been added to the resources.
Daily reading (10 mins) or sharing some stories together.
Practising Phonics sounds (10 mins) adult to write a sound down, can you tell them the sound? Can you give them a word containing that sound?
Complete any activities from your home learning pack.
Joe Wicks PE is on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Class 1- home learning- wk 6
Category: Class 1