12 March 2021

Image of Spring Term 2 Week 3

Our first week back after 8 weeks of home learning and we have had a great week! It has been lovely to have everyone back in school! I have been very impressed with all of the work that you have done at home and a big ‘thank you’ goes out you your Mummies and Daddies for all the support they have given you too.

As it is Mothering Sunday this week we have prepared and taken part in a special service for our Mums and thought about why we love them so much. In English, we started to look at the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and have had great fun pretending to be the different crayons in the crayon box and acting out how we think they were feeling. In Maths, Year 1 have been measuring length with a ruler and working out problems involving length. Year 2 have continued their work on shape and have had a go at creating patterns and sorting 3D shapes. A very busy return to school!


Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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