30 June 2021

Image of Down at the bottom of the garden!-Week 4

The children have been learning all about creepy crawlies! We have used the butterfly to discover symmetry and have been doing lots of activities to explore symmetrical objects and creatures. We have created symmetry using crayons, paint and sticky dots. The children have practised cutting skills to make a symmetrical butterfly out of shapes.

The nursery children have been looking at symmetry, halving and doubling and number recognition.

We have explored the letters M and W and have been findings objects that begin with these letters as well as practising how to draw them.

Reception have been revising key words!

In music we played instruments and had to guess which mini-beast we were!

We listened and danced to 'The Ugly Bug Ball' and then accompanied the song with our instruments.

In RE we talked about babies and siblings and how we celebrate birth through christenings and birthdays.

The children had a fantastic zoom lesson with Madam Elliot, counting and saying the colours in French.

The children went on another bug hunt today around our outside play area.

We wish you all well and hope you have a lovely weekend!


Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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