2 July 2021

Image of Summer Term 2 - Week 4

This week, in Class 3, we have been exploring poems. We have had great discussions picking apart the meanings behind different poems and spotting poetic features such as expanded noun phrases, similes and onomatopoeia. In groups, we performed a poem called ‘Colour Reunion’ and it was lovely to see their personalities shine.  In Maths, Year 3 have enjoyed making 3D shapes using tooth pics and Blu Tack whilst Year 4 have been identifying and comparing acute, obtuse and right angles. In RE, we have learnt where Sikhs, Jews and Hindus travel on pilgrimage. There have been lots of inquisitive questions during our RE lessons which have been rather thought provoking. On Tuesday, Class 3 delivered a fantastic worship during our collective MAT worship and Miss Hylton is super proud of how well they spoke and demonstrated our Christian value – Thankfulness. A fantastic week, keep going Class 3!

Class 3 - Summer Term 2 - Week 4

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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