2 July 2021

Image of Year 5 Blog

What a busy week!  We have continued studying the Maya in History and in particular the hierarchy of society.  We worked in pairs to produce to study one tier of society and produced booklets on what we found.  We have also linked our English work into our Mayan topic.  We have written an instruction text as well a persuasive text on the Mayan sport of Pok ta Pok.  In maths we have been looking at converting units of metric and imperial measures.   Our French work has involved writing sentences including verbs.  In science we have investigated and made Newton spinners.  Watch the videos to see how we got on in gallery.  We also played a girls v boys rounders match in a three match series.  The girls came out on to with a comfortable 11 1/2 to 8 1/2.  
Have a good weekend

Mr Challinor


Posted by S Challinor

Category: Class 4

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