9 July 2021

Image of Class 2 Summer 2 Week 5

This week we have had a busy week making sure that we have finished all of the work that we need to. In Maths, Year 1 have worked hard to learn how to tell the time. They have used the words before and after and learnt o’clock and half-past times. If you want to help them to practice these, we would be very grateful. Year 2, have completed their work on mass, capacity and temperature and are now more than ready to complete their Year 3 challenges. In English, we have written our own fact files about Mary Seacole. We really enjoyed finding out about her and her life. On Thursday, it was a sad day as it was Mr Lovern’s leaving worship. We will be very sad to see him go but wish him lots of luck in his retirement.


Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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