8 July 2021

Image of Summer Term 2 - Week 5

This week, in Class 3, we have had great fun writing poems about lots of different colours. We have used a range of effective expanded noun phrases and interesting similes. In Maths, Year 3 have been learning how to measure mass and have practically been finding the capacity of different containers. They even created a recipe for their very own fruit punch and enjoyed drinking their tasty drinks. Year 4 have explored different triangles, quadrilaterals and have been finding the lines of symmetry of various 2D shapes. During our music lessons, we have been learning about the 4 different groups of instruments used within the symphony orchestra and have had great fun grouping these instruments by how they are played. It was a very noisy lesson having a go using the instruments! A very busy fun-filled week. One more week left Class 3, keep going!

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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