3 September 2021

Image of Autumn Term 1 - Week 1

What a fantastic first week back to school! Class 3 have settled in beautifully. We have enjoyed discussing the exciting things we have done this summer. On the first day back, we had a tour of the school which was great for some of us haven’t seen parts of the school in a long time due to COVID bubbles. This week has been great to build positive relationships based on respect and Miss Hylton has just about cracked everyone’s names! We spent some time writing our end of year goals on rockets which we will look back on in July. But most importantly, we had lots of fun being all together again and can’t wait for the exciting term ahead of us. Well done Class 3. Miss Hylton is so proud of you all for a great week.


Class 3 Autumn Term 1 - Week 1

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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