23 September 2021

Image of Autumn 1 - Week 4

We are half way through the term now and it has flown by. In class 5 this week, we have been completing assessments to have an initial look at what Sats will be like. We had a fantastic maths lesson this week, using addition and subtraction to build a team of football players. We then extended our learning by finding the average (mean) of our players’ ratings.

In English, we have been writing our own animal origin stories in the style of Ted Hughes - How the Whale Became. We have been using all of the features we have been taught so far such as parenthesis, colons and semi colons.

In pshe this week, we discovered what taxes pay for; we pretended to hold council meetings and discussed which public services we thought needed more money to run. In our art lesson, we have been looking at one point perspective. We drew our own drawings of a room using a horizon line.

Category: Class 5

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