15 October 2021

This week in Maths, Year 2 have been learning about counting forwards and backwards in tens, adding and subtracting 10 from a number and using their knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help them work out the number bonds to 100. Ask them to tell you what all the different bonds they have found for 100. Year 1 have been busy finding fact families and working on number bonds up to 10. In Phonics, Year 1 have been learning how to read and write the u-e and ar graphemes. We had great fun sounding and acting out the new words that we have learnt. Year 2 have been learning the 'drop e' and 'double the consonant' rules when adding ing, ed, er, est or y suffixes. We have enjoyed writing sentences using our new words. We started a new Art topic this week, learning all about Josiah Wedgewood and the type of pottery he created ready for our trip next week. We have had a go at colouring in and drawing a pot in the style of Wedgewood. We found it quite tricky! Well done to our Star of the Week and Winner of the 5X reader award!
Posted by lderry
Category: Class 2