21 October 2021

Image of Autumn 1 Week 8

The highlight of our week was our visit to the Wedgewood Museum in Stoke. We had a fantastic time! We were given the opportunity to paint our own pots, which Miss Derry is going to display in the classroom. A tour around the factory, taught us how the pots are made and glazed. We were fascinated how the colour of the clay changed when it was put in the kiln and how the details are added to the pots. When walking around the museum, we completed a little treasure hunt. One of the pots was bigger than us! We have also come to the end of our information writing unit on pirates in English. We have learnt lots of facts and tried hard to write them in an informative way with labelled diagrams and captions. In phonics, Year 1 have been learning how to add ing and ed to the end of words, whilst in Maths, they have been focusing on addition and using their knowledge of number bonds. They have got really good at it. Year 2 have been working on the 'change y to an i' rule when adding ed, ing, er and est to a root word ending in y with a consonant before it. Congratulations to our Star of the Week and 5X reader winner. We are looking forward to half term next week and getting to spend time with our families.


Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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