22 October 2021

Image of Autumn 1 Week 8


We’ve had a lovely week in Class 1 once again! We have continued our short topic of ‘Autumn’ by focusing on the book ‘Room on the Broom’, which the children have loved! We have story mapped and acted it out lots of times this week. The children have also been making broomsticks out of different objects in the classroom to try and ride! 

Also, this week the children found a snail living in the outdoor kitchen and decided to make houses for it to live in – some made out of leaves and mud, and some made out of stickle bricks!

Our new sounds learnt in phonics this week have been ‘e’, ‘u’ and ‘r’. 

Our maths focus this week has been continuing to learn about subitising numbers 1 to 3, using lots of different resources to do so. 

Next week is half term, and we hope all the children have a wonderful and well deserved break, as they have progressed so far since the start of term. Well done Class 1! 

The EYFS Team

Category: Class 1

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